Faculty of Communication

Radio, Television and Cinema

Duration 4 Years
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About the Program

The Department of Radio-Television and Cinema aims to educate individuals who can be creative, and are able to grasp and implement radical transformations, adapt to rapidly changing communication technologies and the world, who have an analytical and critical perspective, and are aware of social responsibilities and ethical principles. In addition to the courses that expand theoretical knowledge, the program also offers other courses that bring in the professional information and skills required in the field of radio, television, and cinema. During their education, students will learn how to synthesize information theories and practices and develop analytical thinking skills to develop research strategies. In addition, students are required to complete a 20-day internship at two different times, in order to establish a network in the field, to reinforce practical lessons and to gain experience in their professional life.

Education Opportunities

Students are supported and encouraged during their education to participate in both national and international competitions, as well as to attend events and work in the CIU Radio-TV studios in a variety of technical divisions, such as production and broadcasting. Also, media professionals enlighten students by attending conferences and seminars organized by the department, in order to share their experiences. Students can benefit from the studios by working there as assistants, or to use the space for their extra-curricular studies. CIU FM – the university’s own radio station – broadcasts in the TRNC on the 107.2 MHz frequency, using a fully digital, computer-assisted foundation with all the modern facilities of radio technology. The station produces many programs on a wide range of topics, including education, culture, art, music, and news. Students who have indicated a desire to do radio programs may attend diction training.



Radio, Television and Cinema has been accredited as of January 12, 2023, by the Communication Education Evaluation Accreditation Board (ILEDAK), which is an institution authorized in performing external evaluations and issuing accreditation certificates in the field of communication.

Career Areas

The development of radio, television, cinema, advertising, public relations, visual design and social media institutions and organizations, allied with the increasing needs of local areas of journalism, advertising, and communication agencies, show that our department will serve to an important requirement and function. We will make significant contributions to the future of our country. The students fulfilling course and training requirements successfully can have careers working for radio-television institutions, organizations, and media companies, as producers, directors, scriptwriters, cameramen, fiction operator, picture selectors, management, and so on. In addition, our graduates can complete their postgraduate studies as a start to an academic career.


Faculty of Communication
Çevik Uraz Center, CU124
Tel: +90 392 671 1111 Extension: 2301
Faculty E-mail: secretary-foc@ciu.edu.tr
Head of Department: Asst. Prof. Dr. Göral Erinç YILMAZ
Head of Department E-mail: gercan@ciu.edu.tr