

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Telephone number +90 392 671 11 11
Extension 2604
Office EH109
Other information


  • Cyprus International University Guidance and Psychological Counselling (PhD, 2020)
  • Near East University Clinical Psychology (Master, 2012)
  • Hacettepe University Department of Psychology (Undergraduate, 2008)

Articles published in National journals

  • A Woman Trying to Heal Her Mourning With Her Art: Käthe Kollwitz - 2024
  • Investigation of Fear, Anxiety and Obsession Levels of Individuals Living in Northern Cyprus Regarding COVID-19 - 2023
  • Bozcan, E., Berkmen, B., Koran, N., & Tatlıcalı, E. (2018). The Awareness Levels Of Parents Whose Children Ages Between 4 and 6 Folklör /Edebiyat, :25( 97-1), 2019/1 - 2019
  • Berkmen, B., & Seçim, G. (2018). Examining the Views of Parents on Child Sexual Abuse Who Have Children at the Age of 8-10. The Journal of Family Psychological Counselling, 1 (1), 65-85. - 2018
  • Berkmen, B., Okray, Z. (2015). The turkish translation, reliabilitiy and validity study od child abuse scale. Hacettepe University Health Sciences Journal, 1(2), 343-361 - 2015

Written national books or sections in books

  • Children's rights and issues to be considered when working with children, A., Ummanel (Ed.), Child Development Practice. E book, 26-50, Istanbul: Istanbul University Open and Distance Education Faculty Publication - 2023
  • The Paternity Function: Theory, Culture and Clinic - 2022
  • I'm afraid to talk to you about love! Psikanaliz Yazıları, 37, 51-59. - 2018

Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals

  • Psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in North Cyprus: A population-based nationwide study - 2023
  • Examining the Awareness Levels of Parents on Child Sexual Abuse - 2023
  • Berkmen, B. & Abidoğlu, Ü., P. (2018). An assessment on the scientific studies conducted in North Cyprus about child abuse. The Turkish Journal of Educational Technology, 1(Special Issue), 149155 - 2018
  • Tatlıcalı, E. & Berkmen, B. (2017). Examination of Pre-School Teacher Candidates: Knowledge and Awareness Levels for Emotional Neglect/Abuse. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 19(2-3), 181-189 - 2017

Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings

  • Ethical practices in scientific research - 2023
  • Berkmen, B., & Tatlıcalı, E. (2016). Examination of knowledge and awareness levels of pre-school teachers about emotional neglect / abuse.8th World Conference on Educational Sciences, Madrid. - 2016
  • Berkmen, B., Okray, Z. (2015). The turkish translation, reliabilitiy and validity study od child abuse scale. III. International Child Development and Education Congress, Ankara. - 2015

Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)

  • The relationship of emotional abuse, self-value and conflict resolution needs in secondary school students - 2022
  • Koran, N., Berkmen, B. & Adalıer, A. Mobile technology usage in early childhood: Pre-COVID-19 and the national lockdown period in North Cyprus. Educ Inf Technol (2021). - 2021
  • Berkmen, B., & Seçim, G. (2019). Scale for measuring child sexual abuse awareness for parents: A scale development study. Current Psychology. - 2019

Other Publications

  • Peköz, Ç., Asilzade, L., Atlas, Ç., Berkmen, B., Ummanel, A.... Tekoğlu, H. (2021). Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on child mental health, Covid-19 and Early Childhood Status Report. - 2021

Books and books chapters published internationally

  • Berkmen, B. (2017). An investigation: opinions of individuals on in vitro feritilisation (IVF) living in North Cyprus. In G. Rata , M. A. Icbay , & H. Arslan, Recent Developments in Sociology and Social Work (pp. 237-246). Bialystok, Poland: E-Bwn. - 2017
Thesis Supervision

Master Thesis Supervised

  • Mehmet Bayram (2024). Examining the relationships between childhood psychological traumas, irrational beliefs in romantic relationships and dating violence in emerging adulthood. - 2024
  • Beyza Nazlıcan Kapız (2024). The effects of social media addiction on relationship-related obsessive-compulsive symptoms and infidelity tendency in individuals in long-distance relationships. - 2024
  • Ümmü Gülsüm Şeyhanlıoğlu (2024). Examining the relationships between place attachment, traumatic grief and coping skills in earthquake survivors. - 2024
  • Cihan Sucu (2024). Examining the effects of spiritual well-being and coping skills of earthquake survivors on post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. - 2024
  • Buket Karaca (2024). Investigation of the relationship between childhood trauma, object relations and life satisfaction of university students - 2024
  • Hilal Gelegen (2022). The role of family support, self-esteem and career adaptability in explaining future expectations in high school students. Cyprus International University. Guidance and Psychological Counseling Program Master Thesis - 2022
  • Faruk Üstün (2022). Examining the relationship of positive childhood experiences with career adaptability and life satisfaction. Cyprus International University. Guidance and Psychological Counseling Program Master Thesis. - 2022
  • Yusuf Bugday (2022,). The Effect of Personality and Demographic Characteristics on Career Adaptability in young adults. Cyprus International University. Guidance and Psychological Counseling Program Master Thesis - 2022
  • Halil Abak (2022). Examining the relationship between high school students' perceived family attitudes, their anger levels and anger expression styles. The case of Hınıs, Erzurum, Cyprus International University. Guidance and Psychological Counseling Master Thesis - 2022
  • Tugce Aslan (2022). Investigation of the relationship between separation anxiety levels and marital dissatisfaction of military spouses who have lived away from their spouses. Cyprus International University. Guidance and Psychological Counseling Program Master Thesis - 2022
  • Begum Yiğiter (2022). Investigation of the relationship between internet addiction of secondary school students and perceived helicopter parenting attitudes in terms of some variables. Cyprus International University. Guidance and Psychological Counseling Program Master Thesis. - 2022
  • Yenipınar, A. An investigation of some variables of high school students 'social media usage levels and cyber victim and cyber bullying status. (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Cyprus International University, Graduate Education and Research Institute, TRNC. - 2021
  • In cooperation with KAMU-SEN and the Turkish Cypriot Psychologists Association, the Human Rights Training for Guards of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Prison. (2015)
  • Raising Children & Rights Awareness Project
Research Areas
  • Child abuse
  • Trauma ve Mourning
  • psychoanalysis- psychoanalytic psychotherapy
  • personality disorders
Administrative Duties
  • Faculty Course Coordinator (2014-2017)
  • Alumni Relations Faculty Coordinator (2019-2022)
  • SET Comittee Member (2021-2023)
  • Student Content Studies Committee Member (2021-2022)
  • GPC Student Club Coordinator (2021-2022)
  • SET Faculty Excuter (2022-2023)
  • Academic Advisor to the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department Students (2022-ONGOING)
  • Faculty of Arts and Sciences Vice Dean (Acting) (2023-ONGOING)
  • CIU Psychology Club Advisor (2023-2024)
  • Internal Evaluation Reports (IER) Faculty Responsible (2023-ONGOING)
  • Curriculum Committee Member, Arts and Sciences Faculty Representative (2024-ONGOING)
  • Vıce Dean of Arts and Sciences (2024-ONGOING)